Art and Design
Kate Collins
On my passion for the creative arts...
My first introduction to graphic design was a visual travel journal called ‘The Journey is the Destination’ by Dan Eldon – it ignited a creative spark in me.
As a freelance print designer working mainly in kids’ apparel, I enjoy discovering new and creative small businesses run by lovely people – especially brands where I am asked to help shape and develop their brand aesthetic.
On designing graphics for fashion apparel...
I specialise in graphics for kids apparel which is a niche in an already small industry but being a freelancer allows me to work with internationally, too. Over the years I’ve worked with a variety of fashion brands that range from Cry Wolf to Little Flock of Horrors; Lulufunk to Babu; The Sleepstore to Burrow and Be. That’s only a few of many!
On advice to those starting out in the arts...
Take time to develop a good working relationship with the client to build trust.
On fuelling creativity...
I am very inspired by colour. When I’m out and about in both urban and natural environments, I’ll often take photos of colours palettes to reference later. If I’m faced with a creative block, I step away from the computer and have a coffee break followed by chores or a short walk.
On being involved with Great Full...
I love that Great Full’s collections are made and printed in New Zealand, and the overall ethos behind the brand is positive. I absolutely love kids’ drawings so helping develop Barry’s amazing artwork into an all-over print was a match made in heaven.
On sustainability...
Since starting my work life in the apparel industry over 14 years ago, organic cotton has taken off in mainstream fashion and lots of companies are becoming more mindful in their production methods; for example I’m seeing a lot more businesses using recycled fabrics. There is also a buy secondhand movement - both of my daughters mainly lived in hand-me-downs as babies / toddlers.
On community...
I grew up in a small close knit village in Cornwall, England so always looking to recreate that!
On immigrating to New Zealand...
After falling in love with the long summer and big skies we decided to trade the busier pace of life in England for a more relaxed lifestyle in New Zealand.
On being grateful...
I will be forever grateful that I was recently able to fly back to England during the global pandemic to see my terminally ill nan and be with her when she died.
On practicing gratitude...
Our youngest daughter, Joni, instigated a daily ritual of us sharing what we’re grateful for at the dinner table.
On a song that’s meaningful in my life...
Here Comes the Sun by the Beatles was a special song between my late mum and me.
On someone who’s been significant in my life...
My maternal nan, Mafalda. She was the matriarch of the family and like a second mum to me. A former hairdresser and self taught artist, she played a big part in developing my creativity and always had a creative project on the go for us in her home art studio - painting, pastels, charcoal drawings, knitting, crochet, dressmaking or stain glass work.
She instilled many life lessons: to not dwell on the past; to not envy what others have; to count your blessings; to not bear grudges; to keep a sense of humour; to believe in yourself; to be grateful for what you have; to always learn something new and to enjoy each new day.
Kate contributed to Great Full’s Jams project by lending her graphic design talents to Anika Moa’s ‘Super Cloud’ artwork. Find her on Instagram: @designcasenz