Sian Jaquet
On choosing her career path as a Personal and Executive Coach…
It completely chose me! Once I understood my core values and beliefs lie in the area of the care and protection of the vulnerable people, my values and beliefs became my path.
On what she loves about the role she serves…
I have the opportunity to see the world from thousands of differing perspectives –it’s a privilege to be trusted and never are two days the same.
On why it’s important to make a contribution to the world…
I believe it’s a fundamental human need to contribute. We all want to feel we have a role to play and are needed. Truth be told, we fill our souls when we know in our hearts what we are contributing is making a difference. The sweet spot is aligning contribution with your values and passion!
On finding inspiration…
There is a group of extraordinary people in my life and they are the source of my inspiration. It’s their unwavering support for who I am and what I do that inspires me.
On unwinding after a long day of work…
A cuppa tea and a chat with family is how I like to finish the day.
On advice for her younger self…
Without a doubt: “You’re good enough.’
On a life lesson…
What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger (if you have the courage to learn.)
On what community looks like…
Anything from a cacophony of tribes to a group of people who share the same purpose – each one different with a different set of beliefs and life experiences.
My other answer is simply New Zealand – my heart home.
On why you should buy local…
Shopping local is how I honour my tribe of New Zealanders. We all need to actively support our New Zealand tribe with that fruit and vege, clothing, wine (you’ll never see me with an Aussie merlot! )
On living in New Zealand…
New Zealand’s given me personal opportunities and a quality of life I didn’t know could exist.
On someone who has made a significant impact on her life…
My husband Andy – he puts up with my craziness and loves me unconditionally.
On being grateful…
I’m grateful for my life, my family (blood and chosen), my home.
Why Great Full’s projects matter – giving back to support causes from children’s health to bowel health...
To stand shoulder to shoulder in whatever way we can to support anyone living through a life challenge. For those working in acute and speciality care, it’s Great Full’s way of actually saying, ‘Thank you – we love that you’re here for us and we’re truly grateful,’
For more about Sian, visit www.sianjaquet.com