Silverfox Management
Rebecca Swaney
On Silverfox's start in New Zealand…
Having first started in Sydney, Silverfox is in Melbourne, Brisbane, Los Angeles and New Zealand. I bought the license for Silverfox New Zealand one and a half years ago and we now have 57 models. I've worked in various performance type roles – radio, promotions, events, MC work, TVCs – so I understand the requirements of talent and models. Plus, being the face of Harrisons (carpet /flooring /curtains /blinds) for 13 years, I understand what it feels like to have a good agent, and knew what type of agent I wanted to be.
On building a family business…
All 57 of my models are incredibly warm, generous people and some with amazing life stories – we are like a family. They understand that we are all game changers in making mature models a normal part of the fashion and advertising industries.
On running your own business…
It definitely is a challenge, especially since this is the first business I’ve ever owned, buying it at 51 years of age. I just put on my big girl pants and climb that learning curve. I realise I thrive on new challenges, and although nervous at times (my first ever fashion week casting I could hardly breathe) I realise I excel at those times.
On advice to someone who is considering running their own business…
You won’t know everything and that is okay – you have everything within you to succeed.
On a daily practice…
I enjoy starting my day with the SAVERS technique – SILENCE – AFFIRMATIONS – VISUALISATIONS – EXERCISE – READING – SCRIBING and try most days to do 5 minutes of each, obviously more for the exercise (dog walks!). It firmly locks me into a good path for the day ahead, settles an unsettled mind if I have lots on the go.
On being inspired ….
With getting older I have become fixated with modern mid-century architecture.I love light, angles, flow, simplicity – and now I go to open homes wherever there is one to be nosey.
On an inspiring creative…
From Tuesdays with Morrie to The Five People You Meet in Heaven, Mitch Albom is an author I enjoy. Always a delight, a life learning, connects me to the important things in life.
On having a sense of community…
I’ve lived in Freemans Bay with my husband and daughters for almost 21 years. Community to me is connecting with people – we have a real close neighbourhood, and we look out for each other. Taking part in Level 4 drinks across the street, Anzac Day dawn service across the street and then a fun march up the street with our neighbours. We are very much a “can I borrow a cup of sugar” clan.
On her love of living in New Zealand?
I think as a nation we are shaking off the tall poppy and really acknowledging how fabulous we are in New Zealand. I get such a thrill whenever I’m overseas and I see the Air New Zealand koru or the attendants walking through the airports.
On a life lesson…
Whether it be something that made you sad, angry, or a crisis in life, cross words – life moves on. I particularly like the 10 – 10 – 10 rule, as considering how will you feel in 10 minutes, 10 months or 10 years puts things in perspective at times.
On being grateful…
I practice gratitude regularly. If I had to pinpoint someone of personal significance, it is my mum. When I was growing up mum was quite a tyrant, she would only have to say “girls” and my sister Sarah and I would be up and going to her. If someone had said when I was in my teens that when I reached 52 my mum would be one of the greatest loves of my life, I would have thought “Really?” But she is, I adore my mum. She is an amazing woman. If I had a $1 for every time someone says “I wish I had your mum”, well I wouldn’t be able to retire as such, but I would definitely have a flash meal out with the money.
On giving back to the community …
With the project focusing on Bowel Cancer New Zealand, with Bowel Cancer being the second highest cause of cancer-related death in New Zealand, we didn’t hesitate to be a part of this project. To then learn that the Silverfox models involved (Amanda, Rewa and Lisa all have a family member who has suffered from bowel cancer) blew me away. Each one of us said, “count me in”.
On creating healthier futures for Kiwis….
With certain areas in New Zealand with ongoing health issues that could be nipped in the bud with early detection, education, communication within families and community support, it is so important to keep making health a priority. I know it is not a simple fix, but I wish that especially in smaller communities there were fun buses everywhere that people jumped on and shouted “today’s smear test day” or “today’s mole check day” or “today we are heading to prostate town”. Talking within communities for me is key – keep pushing.