Meet the Artist Part 3: Ruby Jones
On sustainability…
Sustainability is obviously a huge issue we're all facing. But then I think that coming out of the [Covid-19] pandemic has shown actually how quickly we can adapt to change when we need to; we can make decisions that are going to be better for us and better for the world. It’s given me hope that we actually can live in a sustainable world and that we can support each other here in New Zealand by buying locally-made goods, for example.
On the benefit of living in New Zealand…
How far away we are from the rest of the world is definitely a benefit. I didn't like this, growing up. I felt so isolated. But now, it’s clear how lucky we are to be on this little island [nation]. I think it's also shown how much we actually have and can produce and make here ourselves.
On growing up in Dunedin…
Dunedin’s a great place to grow up as a kid. It feels as though everyone knows everyone... I guess New Zealand feels like that a lot of the time for many of us. You’ll wander down the street and bump into someone you know - which I love - and it always felt really safe.
On being grateful…
I'm just really grateful to live in this beautiful country, supported by my community and family. My life has pretty much completely changed over the past year and I feel very grateful to have had an enormous amount of support and love from complete strangers all around the world.
On contributing an illustration to Great Full’s Bum Hugger project…
I always just want to involve myself in projects that are for a good cause, that help people, and this is obviously that. It's also really fun. And yeah, I just thought it's such a great way to bring people together as well, like getting a group of artists, each doing their own thing.
On the inspiration behind my print ‘Sunday Morning’…
I wanted to create something that made people smile when they look at it. And I was trying to draw the time I feel happiest, which is often on a Sunday morning. I think it’s probably my laziest time of the week. In my head I was imagining when you're kind of half asleep, going around the house, doing a bit of tidying, having some coffee, got some music on... that’s the feeling I wanted to put into my little illustration.
On why it’s important to support Bowel Cancer New Zealand with Great Full’s project…
Anybody can be affected by a cancer at any time in their life, and we all know someone who has been diagnosed [with the disease]. It’s really important to bring awareness to, and show support for Bowel Cancer New Zealand, especially if this means treatment can be more readily available and accessible to everyone.